We want the WI to be an organization of choice inspiring and enriching the lives of all women and girls who wish to play an active role in their communities, widen their horizons and learn new skills. We want every woman and girl to have the opportunity to join the WI, wherever they live. We want to secure a fair and sustainable future for our and the next generations by increasing our membership to have an even greater influence on decision makers and the world around us.
Ockford-Godalming WI was founded as Ockford Women's Institute in April 1948, the same year as the WI's Denman College was founded. 43 women attended the first meeting at Ockford Social Club, Coopers Rise, Godalming, with membership quickly increasing to almost 100.
In the mid 1960's, when building work prevented the meetings at the Club, these were transferred to the Scout & Guide HQ in Seymour Road, where we still meet at 2.00 pm on the first Wednesday of each month, except August when we hold a different type of social gathering.
Although membership has fluctuated through the years we are still a very active WI as you will see from the Events calendar. In addition to the fun and friendship we experience at our own events, we belong to the Chinthurst Group of local WI's and attend their meetings and socials.
At our monthly meetings we have a speaker, demonstration or activity which is followed by tea and cake. Ockford-Godalming often supply delicious lunches and cream teas to visiting WI groups or for private functions.
Our monthly craft group meet once a month where members have a good natter as well as being very creative.
Our first Craft and Produce Show was held in September 1953 and continues to this day. This gives members a chance to 'show off' their skills in flower arranging, arts and crafts, cooking and horticulture. We held an exhibition of work recently and were overwhelmed by the number and quality of the exhibits. Well done one and all!
About Us
Monica (left), our overall winner in 2019.
Members often attend WI classes at the Surrey Federation, at their headquarters in Guildford, or classes at local colleges, where a wide range of workshops are available. Surrey WI ran an interesting course in Guildford recently - a basket weaving workshop which was very popular.
In April 2018 Ockford-Godalming put on a very successful display of 'Arts and Crafts' in the Godalming Museum, showcasing the talents of our members.